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  1. The Prophecy
  2. Concerning Hobbits
  3. The Shadow Of The Past
  4. The Treason Of Isengard
  5. The Black Rider
  6. At The Sign Of The Prancing Pony
  7. A Knife In The Dark
  8. Flight To The Ford
  9. Many Meetings
  10. The Council Of Elrond Featuring “Aníron” (Theme for Aragorn and Arwen) – Composed and performed by ENYA.
  11. The Ring Goes South
  12. A Journey In The Dark
  13. The Bridge Of Khazad-Dűm
  14. Lothlórien
  15. The Great River
  16. Amon Hen
  17. The Breaking Of The Fellowship
  18. May It Be (Composed and performed by ENYA)




(Lyrics and verses)